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November highlights


Hello Pirate parents! The first quarter is behind us as we catapult in to the fall season! We appreciate everyone joining us at the end of October for our first PTO meeting of the year. Please click HERE for the meeting minutes.

Thank you all for supporting our fall book fair! The book fair is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and this past one was no exception. Thank you also for participating in the family fun night and the fall festival.

Extremely huge mega thank you goes to our exceptional grade level Parent Coordinators for the unbelievable themed baskets! Congratulations to the winners of the basket raffles! This excellent fundraiser earned $1200 for the school. All of the winners were contacted.

Kindergarten Gift Card basket, by Amber Rafferty and Jayeon Choi, value of $370.

1st grade Movie Night basket, by Lindsay Winterroth and Natalie Christley, value of $300+.

2nd grade Cozy Night basket, by Jessica Casiano and Neena Koganti, value of $250+.

3rd grade Gardening basket, by Jenny Vogel, Amy Girth and Kal Mannikeri, value of $200+.

4th grade Barbecue basket, by Latrice Phillips and Patricia Earley, value of $350+.

5th grade Arts and Crafts basket, by Sara Coryea and Shauna Meyer, value of $150+.

6th grade Cooking and Baking basket, by Kristin Bynum and Brittanay Paine, value of $200+.

7th grade Sports basket, by Christine Hare and Kaity Henry, value of $750+.

8th grade Game Night basket, by Tivona McLeod and Amy Peavy-Smith, value of $130+.

Congratulations to all of our raffle basket winners!!


The GoPlaySave fundraiser has ended. If anyone has not received a book that they have ordered, please reach out to us at BY 11/16. We CANNOT guarantee delivery of books if we have not received notification by this date. Additionally, if anyone still has a GoPlaySave book that they are not purchasing, please send them in with your child to be returned to the PTO BY 11/16!!!! Thank you for your continued support.


Our first school dance is coming up!! Get ready for the Middle School dance on Friday, December 15. If you would like to help out, click HERE to volunteer to decorate, and click HERE for the link to volunteer to chaperone!

The theme this year is Winter Glow! The PTO will be providing everything for this event- you just need to show up, dressed to impress, and have a great time. We will be serving pizza, gatorade and water. Candy, Chips, additional drinks and extra pizza can be purchased with cash.

Link to purchase dance tickets will be sent out soon!

Have great ideas and love party planning? Shoot us a message to take a leadership role in the planning and decorating!

Upcoming dates to know:

11/10 Veterans Day- No School

11/14 Make Up picture day

11/16 Early Release (11:30)

11/17 Last day Parent Teacher conferences- No School

11/20-24 Thanksgiving Break- No School

12/15 PTO Event: Middle School Dance

Please see the monthly calendar for sports schedule

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