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What's Going On in May?

Natalie Christley

Teacher Appreciation Week! Teacher Appreciation Week is coming to a close soon, but it's not too late to surprise your teacher with something special! The PTO will be providing lunch for the teachers on Thursday and will be providing breakfast for them on Friday. The PTO has put together a list of ways for your scholars to spoil their teachers each day. We also have gathered a list of their favorite things!

Thursday- Teachers are Sweet- Bring them their favorite snack, sweets, or beverage!

Friday- Teachers Deserve all the Thanks- Treat your teacher with a gift card or a special treat.

Field Day! Field day is coming up on May 20. We will need lots of volunteers to help it run smoothly. We have set up 3 different time options to volunteer based on when each grade will be out so you can volunteer while your scholar is participating. Please sign up at the links below if you would like to help! Details on times are at the links below as well. We still need volunteers for all the time slots, but especially the 6-8 slot! You can volunteer at any time frame even if it doesn't match your scholar's time or spend the whole day with us!

Middle School Sports Award Banquet! The PTO is sponsoring a Sports Award Banquet on May 22nd from 6-8pm. This event will be open to all athletes who participated in winter, spring or fall sports. This will be a catered event. When you RSVP please include your athlete's name, their meal preference (chicken/beef/vegetarian), and how you will be paying the $5 fee (venmo or check). Invitations have been sent out for all athletes. If you have an athlete and have not received the evite, please email peakcharterpto@gmail.comThis event is only for the athlete. We cannot accomodate parents or family members.

6-8 Dance! The 6-8 Dance will be May 31 from 6-8pm. This year's theme is Hollywood VIP! Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the link below. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Ticket costs include 2 slices of pizza, a drink (water/gatorade), and entrance to the dance. More food and candy can be purchased at the dance, cash only. We are also in need of chaperones and volunteers to help decorate! Please sign up at the links below if you can help.

Upcoming Events for June to mark in your calendars:

Green to Grey for 5th Grade (6/10)

8th Grade Promotion (6/11)

Last Day of School (6/12)


Peak PTO Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2018, and donations are tax-deductible. 

EIN: 82-4384742

©2023 by Peak Charter PTO.

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