WHOA. We have some amazing baskets going up for raffle this week! Come purchase your tickets at Fall Fest on Saturday! $1 per ticket, NO limit on how many tickets your buy! Bring your cash, as it is a cash only transaction!
Check out these awesome themes:
Gift Card basket, with a value of over $370
Movie Night basket, with a value of over $300
Cozy coffee and tea basket, with a value of over $250
Gardening basket, with a value of over $150
Barbecue/cookout basket with a value of over $350
Arts and Crafts basket with a value of over $150
Cooking/Baking basket with a value of over $200
Sports themed basket, with a value of over $750
Game night basket, with a value of over $130
Get your raffle tickets for $1 cash each at FALL FEST on SATURDAY 11/4 from 12-3.
Just a peek...
<--- Sports basket
Cozy Coffee/Tea basket--->