Peak Charter Academy PTO
Meeting Minutes: Thursday, January 25, 2024
Introduction of new board members
Natalie Christley is our new secretary. She will be the one answering all your emails, handling volunteers, and updating you all with upcoming events.
If you have any questions, email to get ahold of Natalie.
Events since the last meeting
Thank you to our volunteers!
Special shout out to Christine Hare for helping organize the treats for teachers at Christmas and Valentines Day! She also has been handling the lost and found and pirates closet. Thank you so much for all you do!
(Quick recap)
Fall Book Fair & Fall Festival- raffle baskets a big hit (we will be adding a poll to our website to see if you all would like to do raffle baskets again for spring too)
Middle school dance- winter wonderland
Kids Fun Cart- first ever kids cart with kid items, fidget toys, etc. Went room to room and let each kid come out to the cart to pick 3 items. We will be keeping this going forward, the kids loved it so much.
Walking club- every Friday at 8am after morning drop off. 30 minutes around Haddon Hall, meet outside the front doors. Walk club is cancelled for tomorrow due to the breakfast cart and 1/2 day
Monthly calendars- sent home once a month with scholars
Monthly cakes to celebrate teachers birthdays
Food cart for teachers- we will be doing this more often, teachers love it and ask for it often
Next one is a breakfast cart tomorrow 1/26
g. PTO purchased a new mat for the water fountain in the gym as well as a 2nd clothing rack for the PTO room for the Pirate’s closet
Upcoming events
Q3 skip the carpool raffle: drawing on Monday 1/29 at noon, raffle is open now on the website to purchase tickets.
Sweatshirts for middle school: winter sports and yearbook club started by Angi. The middle school kids have been loving them and this is something we will continue for them.
Spirit nights ***IF anyone is available to set up a venue for us please email us! These events bring in around $200-$300 each month for us.
September: Brusters
October: Big Air
November: Parent night @ book fair
December: Mad Hatter
January: Cici’s
February: Moe’s
viii.April: Bee Sweet Creamery
K-2 dance Friday 2/16 6-8pm- Glow Party- need lots of volunteers
Natalie will go over volunteer opportunities shortly
Valentines treats for teachers and bags for students
Natalie will go over volunteer opportunities shortly
There is a sign up genius link live now to donate treats for the teachers, please check the website calendar for the link. QR code is also going home in Friday folders.
PTO will be purchasing Valentine’s treats for the students.
Hurricane’s Game: Family night Thursday March 21st 7pm vs Philadelphia Flyers
Tickets on sale. See your fliers sent home or check the PTO website.
Treasurer Report
Athletic Boosters $2500
Carpool Raffle $1900
Fall Festival Raffle Baskets $1,000
Pirate’s Closet $1500
School Dance $2000
Spirit Night $650
Spirit Rock $793
Valentines bags for the students
We will need some volunteers Friday 2/9 after carpool – no walking club this day. If you are free for an hour or more that morning we would really appreciate your help!
Please email us if you are interested
Spring Picture Day
Wednesday February 21st
Volunteers will be needed throughout the day. Opportunities for morning or afternoon shifts are available. Sign ups are live on the PTO website
K-2 Dance- February 16th - sign ups are live on the PTO website
Decorations/ set up 2:00-3:30pm
Clean up 8-8:45pm
Book fair coming up in March – Read across America Week (3/4-3/8)
If anyone is creative with bulletin boards we could use help with this. You would be provided with a budget to decorate. We typically do a seasonal board (fall, winter, etc)
3-5 Dance- April 19
Thank you to all our amazing volunteers. We could not do all that we do for the students and teachers without your support! Next meeting will be held via Zoom Thursday, April 11th at 7pm.