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Important January PTO Deadlines & Reminders!

Natalie Christley

Happy New Year Peak Families!

January & February Calendar- Download here!

We have a fun start to the year headed our way! Please see important dates and sign ups below for January and February!

Lunch Monitor Volunteers- We have heard from many of you that you would love a way to help our teachers out and relieve a little bit of stress from them! We spoke with admin and have come up with a way that would be very helpful to our teachers and staff and also be able to get you more involved in the school! We are starting a sign up genius for lunch time volunteers. This would put more monitors in the cafeteria during lunch time and give our teachers a chance to step away and have a break for lunch. They would like 2 volunteers every day from 10:45am-1pm. You must be there for the full time period for your shift. You can sign up for as many shifts as you would like! I have them all opened starting the week of January 26th until the end of the year. Please sign up here if you would like to help:

Q3 Skip the Carpool RaffleThe raffle is on NOW! Purchase your raffle tickets to have a chance to skip the carpool line for all of quarter 3! There will be one winner for Elementary School and one winner for Middle School. Drawing will be at 12pm on January 27th. We will call the winners and you will be able to pick up your new carpool tag later that afternoon. Purchase your tickets here:

Quarter 2 PTO Meeting for All Families- Our next meeting open to all families will be TOMORROW January 23rd at 7pm on Zoom. Link for the zoom meeting is on our website and can also be found on the QR code attached. This is a great time to hear everything we have going on, ask your questions, and get a free skip the carpool raffle entry ticket! 

Spirit Night at Cici's Pizza in Cary- TODAY! This month's Spirit Night will be at Cici's Pizza in Cary from 3:30pm-9pm. A portion of your purchase for the night will be donated to the PTO so we can get one step closer to reaching this year's goals. If you own a business and would like to host a Fine Arts Night this year, please reach out to

Lost & Found- January 23rd is your last day to claim your lost and found items! We will be donating whatever is left on the 24th. It is FULL, if your child is missing something, please come check it out!

Upcoming Events in February:

Sweets for Teachers- We will be hosting our annual Sweets for Teachers on Valentine's Day! Keep an eye out for a sign up genius link to donate items for our wonderful teachers! 

K-2 Sweetheart DanceFebruary 21st from 6-8pm- It's almost time for our K-2 dance! Please purchase your tickets early for the dance to help us know how much food to buy! Early bird pricing ends on 2/19. Ticket price includes ONE adult and ONE student, plus 2 slices of pizza and a drink for each! One parent MUST attend the dance with their child. Tickets can be purchased here:

We also need volunteers to help us decorate and to work the dance. Please sign up here:

Leadership Week- Leadership Week is February 24-28! This is a wonderful time to show our Principal and Deans how much we appreciate them! Please see the attached calendar for an idea of what to bring in each day!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading and being involved in our PTO!


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Peak PTO Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2018, and donations are tax-deductible. 

EIN: 82-4384742

©2023 by Peak Charter PTO.

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